Lesson #4
What To Say
(cold door knocking)
1) "Good morning sir, how are you today? (his response) We are on a campaign for Christ, sharing the gospel with people. We would like to share with you a very interesting Bible study. For instance how would you answer the first question on #12 (of Lesson #1)?" (his response)
2) "Would you like to see what the Bible says?" (his response) (Have him read the scripture.) (note: Have him to also read and answer the second and third questions)
3) "This is a three lesson study to help you to understand what God’s will is so that you can go to heaven. We would be happy to go through these three lessons with you. Would you like to do that?" (his response)
4) "We could study now or this evening at 7:00 PM, which would you prefer?"
(to friends)
"John, there has been something I’ve been wanting to talk with you about for some time and that is your relationship with God and your soul’s salvation. I feel guilty for not having talked with you yet and I’m sorry. John if you were to die tonight do you know for certain that you would have a home in Heaven?" (Wait for his answer.) "I can share with you from the Bible how you can go to Heaven, would you like that?" (His response.) "We could study now or tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM, which would you prefer?"
Or "John you’re a very fine individual and I appreciate you as a friend. You are honest, kind to your family, and a good person; but you are not a Christian. You may have wondered why I haven’t talked with you before, but I just can’t continue without talking with you. Have you thought much about where you will spend eternity?" (His response.) "I would like to share with you a very interesting Bible study. For instance how would you answer question #12 (of Lesson #1)?" (His response.) Would you like to see what the Bible says?" (His response.) (Have him to read the scripture.) "This is a three lesson study to help you to understand what God’s will is so that you can go to Heaven. We would be happy to go through these three lessons with you. Would you like to do that?" (His response.) "We could study now or this evening at 7:00 PM, which would you prefer?"
Or "John we are going to one of two places in eternity, I want to go to Heaven, which place do you want to go?" (His response) "I can share with you from the Bible how you can go to Heaven, would you like that?" (His response.) We could study tonight or tomorrow night at 7:00 PM, which would you prefer?"
Or if asked, "Do you believe that only members of the church of Christ are going to Heaven and everyone else is going to Hell?" Your answer, "John, it does not really matter what I believe, or what you believe, or what any other person believes. What really matters is what the Bible says you need to do to go to Heaven. Could I share with you what the Bible says that you need to do in order to go to Heaven?"
Lesson #5
"Conducting The Study"
Copyright © 2005 internetbiblestudy
By Permission NewTestamentChurch.org