Lesson #8
Self Help Bible Study
(A Three Lesson Evangelistic Bible Study)
Below is a three (3) lesson evangelistic Bible study that you can use to teach others the gospel. At the end of Lesson #2, ask the individual if he/she wants to be baptized. Lesson #3 is to teach one about the church and the worship of the church. In using these lessons you, your silent partner, and the one you are studying with should each have a copy of the lesson. Have the one you are studying with read the scriptures aloud. Each one should circle their response: either "yes" or "no" as you study through the lesson. Lesson #2 also has a chart to be used with questions #9-15. The lessons are in PDF format and to copy them requires a reader. You can download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader by clicking the link below.
You can then run the lessons through a copy machine and make as many copies as you need. Each of the lessons have an outside and an inside page. When you copy the lessons on your copy machine, copy one on the outside and the other on the inside of the page. The lessons should then be folded width-wise in half. Permission is granted to make as many copies of this Bible study as you need, but please do not sell them.
Lesson #2 "God's Plan Of Salvation"
Chart To Be Used With Lesson #2
Lesson #3 "Our Worship &
Lesson # 9
"Growing In Christ"
By: Ron Boatwright