Malire Congregation’s Meeting
Chakwiya Village, Blantyre District, Malawi
November 29, 2002

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The Malire congregation is located about 40 KM due north of Blantyre City in Blantyre District. Malire is one of several congregations with which Bro. A. S. Chiwoko works. Bro. Chiwoko is the small grayed haired man on the far right hand side in the first row of the picture. What is remarkable about Bro. Chiwoko is that he is 84 years old and still very active in the work. He does not have a motorized vehicle to travel among the congregations with whom he labors. He travels among the congregations using whatever means of transportation available. Sometimes it may be a minibus, or a pickup, or a lorry (truck). However, he cannot always get a ride which will take him near to the congregation he wants to visit, so he walks! This could be several kilometers. 

As you can tell from the crowd, Bro. Chiwoko is an effective worker for the Lord! Not all the brethren in the picture are from the Malire congregation. A good number of them are from other congregations in the general area with whom Bro. Chiwoko works. Some of the brethren you see in the picture have walked a number of kilometers to visit this meeting, and that is due to Bro. Chiwoko’s influence and encouragement.

Standing to Bro. Chiwoko’s right is the visiting UDF Party chairman, James Gabrieli; to the chairman’s right is Chief Chakwiya, and to the right of the Chief is the chief’s wife. 

I did the preaching and Stephen Kasenda did the translating for me. The audience was very attentive and listened carefully as we discussed how important the Church of Christ of the New Testament is to God the Father and to Jesus Christ, and how important it is to our salvation. --Jim Franklin

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The Malire congregation meets for worship under this grass shelter. It also served as the place for our service today. Believe me, we had real “fellowship” with everybody packed under the covering to keep from roasting in the bright hot sun. But, we all enjoyed the occasion! --Jim Franklin

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