For a number of years our brethren have been engaged in mission work in several foreign countries. Many of our preaching brethren have denied themselves the comforts of this country and the association of family and friends by going to a far-away place to preach the gospel. Currently Bro. Jim Franklin is in Malawi, Africa doing the work of an evangelist. In agreeing to go to this place, Bro. Franklin accepted a dual responsibility: (1) to preach the gospel to the lost and (2) to try and restore peace to a brotherhood divided and disturbed. At last report he was making progress on both fronts. The Mablevale Pike church in Little Rock, Ar. has accepted responsibility for this work and oversees the labors of Bro. Franklin. Additional support is needed at once to continue this great venture. We are therefore asking that you as a congregation consider becoming involved by agreeing to send $50.00 or $100.00, or whatever you can afford, per month to the support of Bro. Jim. (At present we are $900.00 per month short of our goal).

Brethren, we cannot afford to pull out of Malawi at such a crucial time. We have a man on the field. Let's get behind him and present a unified front for truth and righteousness. Many have expressed to me their frustrations over recent events in Africa. Some have even suggested that we forget the work altogether. This we cannot afford to do. Difficulties arise from time to time everywhere. Even though we wish this were not the case, we must not cease our quest for good, but press on in hope and prospect of a better future.

If you can help, please communicate with Bro. Maurice Chandler, 10308 Republic Lane, Little Rock, Ar. 72209 Ph. (501) 562-1169. He will give you instructions about how to send your money directly to Bro. Franklin. Remember brethren, our obligations do not stop at our borders. Jesus said "into all the world".

Allow me to say amen to this by Ronny. God forbid we ever allow ourselves to become hardened to the obligations given us by the Lord Himself--Don L. King.



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