Apathy means: a lack of feeling or emotion, lack of interest or concern, indifference; lack of interest in things which others find moving or exciting.

Crabb's English Synonyms observes that "apathy" is from the Gk. a (not) and patheim (to feel) and signifies incompatibility to suffer or to feel.

Apathy may be defined then, as "the lack of feeling; absence or suppression of passion, emotion or excitement; lack of interest in things which others find moving or exciting, such as "SAVING OF SOULS." Apathy is a deadly disease; it can destroy any good work that a congregation is trying to accomplish.

A Christian may endure the disease for a while, but it eventually will be fatal to all who contact it. We call churches made up of such individuals "dead churches." We refer to preachers who "have lost their zeal, lack feeling, absence of passion, emotion or excitement" as having BURN OUT! Have you HEARD any such preachers lately?

There is no place in the life of a Christian for an apathetic spirit; yet, it is suggested that apathy is one of the besetting sins of God's people. When brethren possess it they often hire a preacher with the same ill so that he won't rock the boat or expect too much from them. Bro. Wayne McKamie asked me, "Jimmie, what is the gravest danger facing the Church today?" To which I replied, "Apathy."

I then asked him what he thought it was, and he replied, "apathy." He said he asks brethren that everywhere he goes and receives the same answer, "apathy." When the leaders, preachers or elders of a congregation have it, it dooms souls and saps the life of all who associate.

Apathetic souls seem to think that God should compliment them for doing their "duty" (which may mean only attending the scheduled worship services). The rest of our time is idled away, instead of being "redeemed" and we carelessly watch as "weakness, inertia, apathy and death overtake."

The inspired writers writes "many sleep" and calls upon them to "AWAKE!" We can and must get rid of the disease of apathy.


The best cure I know is to heed the call of the Master and "GO TO WORK!" (Matt 20:1-16). I see very few people will put all their energies into their work who are bored. As a lad I dreaded to cut the lawn until I got started and then I wondered why I had dreaded it so. When I'm working and have home studies galore I'm never discouraged or downcast. It's when I "don't have any" that I 'm down.

The successful businessmen of your city are not, as a general rule, those who inherited fortunes. They began as poor young men. They took hold upon some work and by fidelity, by diligence, by perseverance, they rose to their present position. The same is true of men who helped build strong churches. God does not call idlers to great fields of labour, neither does he call "dreamers. Men who were called to great works in the Bible were already busy in the fields of industry and labour.

I'm persuaded many stand idle because they are tired and discouraged. They enjoyed the work while it, prospered, but when it wound to a standstill they became discouraged. But, what is that to you? You are only a servant, the question of fruitage belongs to the Master.

I know it is natural, and even right, to feel deep concern for the success of the work in which we are engaged; but I am just as sure that it is wrong for us to cease to serve Christ simply because our work does not seem to prosper. It was to meet just such a tendency as this that Paul wrote, "Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Paul said. "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel.


There is probably no situation that breeds innovations like APATHY. Unscriptural and artificial means are used to "lift the spirits" , and is readily swallowed and accepted as a BETTER ALTERNATIVE to DEAD FORMALITY. Amongst us and amongst our digressive brethren; I charge that the "social gospel" is the unruly, rebellious child or offspring of APATHY. Formal, lifeless Methodism produced the Nazarene church: Dead, emotionless Catholicism gave birth to the mighty Charismatic movement. Apathy has produced kitchens, church ball teams, family life centers, church camps, and the whole spectrum of the SOCIAL GOSPEL in which they intend to "Minister to the WHOLE MAN," i.e. at least not let whole man "he dead."

There is nothing that spawns digression like "apathy." The reason given for the recreation in the name of religion is not that a scripture has been found that approves such: But, alas, "It can't be worse than never doing anything." "I never felt so good as when I participated in this." But if you'll only take note of the groups who have had that practice for years, they now have to invent something newer and as foreign as ever to the Scriptures to stimulate their dead and dying.

Rom 13:11 "And that, knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep..."

l Cor 15:34 "Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame."

Eph 5:14 "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light."

Wake up! Have an indepth study with a sinner about his soul's salvation. Wake up! Study the absolute authority of the scriptures with one who is transgressing. Wake up! Sit down and study with another who has gone to sleep. Wake up! For the first time. invite your fellow worker, your neighbor, your cousin, your aunt, uncle, brother. sister, to study with you? Wake up! Enjoy the "joy of your salvation and then "teach transgressors of the Lord's ways."

Wake up! How can you sleep? How dare you sleep?--Rt. 6, Box 199-A, Harrison, Ark. 72601

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