To Whom It May Concern:

I cannot take part in military service in any form, directly or indirectly, in combatant or noncombatant service. Below are listed some of my reasons:

1. My duty and obligation to God is superior to all other obligations (Acts 5:29; Mt. 23:;37).

2. My God in the Bible forbids that I engage in carnal warfare in the following references: "Put up again thy sword... for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword" (Mt 26:52); "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal" (II Cor 10:3-4); turn the other cheek" (Mt 5:39); "Recompense to no man evil for evil" (Rom 12:17).

3. To enter any military service combatant or non-combatant I would be compelled to "swear" (take an oath), but the Bible forbids that I do' so. "Swear not at all" (Mt 5:34).

4. To enter any military service I would be compelled to be yoked with unbelievers, which is forbidden. "But ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (II Cor 6:14).

5. To be in any branch of the military service in any way, I would be a part of an organization and would therefore have fellowship in the service, but such is prohibited. "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Eph 5:11).

6. To serve in the military service in any way, I would be deprived of obeying the command to assemble on Lord's Day to worship God in the Bible way at least part of the time, hence would disobey God (Heb 10:25; Act 20:7; I Cor 16:1-2).

Therefore, I cannot conscientiously engage in carnal war in any form or branch and for the above reasons I ask that my name to be listed in support of the above principles.

Matthew William Trent, West Beverly Drive, Clovis, CA, 93612, July 2, 1992.

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