In I Sam 3:1 The word says; "And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli, And the word of the Lord was precious in those days." When something you need that is beneficial to you is scarce, you then can appreciate its value, how precious it is. It is when we are without it that we begin to realize its importance. It is also true that when we do not have something that we need, we strive harder to obtain it. In World War Two there were certain products rationed, and could not be had as easily as before because they were no longer available. Products such as soap, sugar, and gasoline could only be legally obtained with stamps. The old adage; "You never miss it until you do not have it" proved true. Things needed yet not available, became very precious in those days.

The Word of God

Such times as this are spoken of in the above scripture concerning the word of God. We are not to understand that there was no word of the Lord, but, in those days: "there was no open vision." There were few revelations from God. Adam Clark says; 'There was no public accredited prophet; one with whom the secret of the Lord was known to dwell,.." At that time Samuel did not have the word of the Lord revealed unto him. I Sam 3:7.

Scarcity of the Word

In the days of Josiah, king of Judah, a copy of the law of the Lord was found in the Temple by Hilkiah the priest. It was read before the king by Shaphan the scribe. When Josiah heard the law he rent his clothes, for he realized the seriousness of Judah's sin before God, and inquired of the Lord about himself and the people of Israel and Judah. He recognized their fathers had not kept the word of the Lord, thus his wrath was poured out on them. It was revealed unto Hilkiah by Huldah the prophetess that God would bring evil upon them according to the curses that were written in the book. Although God's wrath would be manifested upon the people, and the place, it would not come in Josiah's time. It seems when the word of God is not available to the people, man will serve the god of this world and forsake the God of heaven. When Israel returned to Jerusalem from Babylonian captivity in the era of Ezra, Nehemiah and Zerubbael, the temple and the walls of the city were rebuilt. Ezra read the law of the Lord to the people while they were gathered as one man in the street. They gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading. After seventy years, what a day of rejoicing it was for the people when they heard the word of God read. Their happiness brought tears of joy. "...For all the people wept when they heard the words of the law." (Neh 8:1-9)

In This Day

Can it be said that the word of God is precious unto us in this day? Does it mean as much to us as it should ? Does its unerring counsel guide us ? (Jer 10:23) Are we letting it direct our lives, showing the path of right?

There was an era of time when the word of God was not available to the masses. During the Dark Ages, a period of 1260 years, the Bible was kept from the people. It was an age of spiritual darkness. The individual could not read for himself, but had access to the Bible through the channels of the harlot church, Roman Catholicism. The Bible was literally "chained" to the pulpits, creating an impossible situation for knowing the truth.

How Precious is It?

Today we have access to the word of God. Can we recognize the predicament we would be in without it?

How could we understand and know, about our Creator, his mind, his ways, his power? If we are to know at all it will be, through the agency of his word. (Psa 139:1-17, Job 11:7-11, Isa. 40, Gen. 1,2, Rom 11:34. What knowledge do we have about sin and its consequences, how the Lord views it, and the condemnation it brought to mankind without his word ? I Jno 3:4, 5:7, Psa 7:11. His word reveals unto us his undying love for an unworthy, sinful world that is void of salvation without his eternal love ? Jno 3:16, Tit 2:11, Rom 5:8, I Jno 4:8,10. His precious word informs us of the sacrifice he demanded as satisfaction for sin, and the one that met that demand. It was Jesus the Lamb of God, who died in our stead. Jno 1:29, Heb 5:8-9, 9:12-14, 10:12,14, Phil. 1.2:8,1 Tim 2:5-6, Heb 2:9, II Cor 5:21. Without the word of God we would not understand the gospel, the power of God unto salvation; revealing his plan for us to obey that we might be saved from sin. Heb 4:12, Rom 1:16, Jas 1:21, Mk 16:16, Acts 2:38. If we are to be freed from the bondage of sin, and have our souls purl-fled from the defilements of this world, it will be through a knowledge of his word. If we would be born again into the Kingdom of God, and set apart for spiritual service, it must be through a knowledge of, and a submission to the word of God Jno 8:32, I Pet 1:22,1 Cor 4:15, Jas 1:18 Jno 3:5, Tit 3:5, Jno 17:17; Jno 15:3.

The word of God is the only means we have to determine right and wrong. It outlines our eternal destiny, determining it by the way we have lived our lives before God whether it be good or evil. II Cor 5:10, Rom 1:21-32, Gal 5:19-21, 22-23, Matt 25:31-46. The word of God has within it all that "pertains to life and Godliness," showing us how we ought to live. Within it are the things enumerated for us to add to our faith, that we might keep from falling. It can "establish our hearts" before him, that we might have "confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming." II Pet 1:5-7, Tit 2:12, I Thess 3:13, I Jno 2:28.

The Word informs us that we must die, and assures us of the resurrection of the body to stand before the judgment seat of Christ. It is the foundation of all our hope, that " anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil. Heb 9:27,1 Cor 15:51-54,11 Cor 5:10, Heb 6:19. The precious word gives us the promise of eternal life. Every aim, desire, and hope is based on what is written, a "thus saith the Lord." In that day the Lord will give us a crown of life, an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you. We will have a new body, live in a new home, in a new age in the great city of God, heaven. Rev 2:10, I Pet 1:4, Phil 3:21, Jno 14:1-4, Rev. 21.

In view of all these blessings that are promised and sustained by the eternal word, our hearts should be settled and at peace with God. We should feel about it just like it was said in the days of Samuel, "And the word of the Lord was precious in those days."-Richard DeGough 1907 Tully Rd., Hughson, California

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