We live in a day and time of unbelief. We live in a day and time when people call themselves atheists and agnostics. We live in a world that is seasoned with skepticism. We live in a day and time where there is certainly a need to prove the existence of God. I would like to say first of all that I want to believe in God. The writer of Hebrews says in Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

Beyond any shadow of a doubt, I would like for you to know that GOD IS! Too many say that God is a myth formulated in the minds of men. Some university professors will say that God is a crutch for a feeble minded man. This sort of attitude isn't anything new because history is full of men who have denied God. For example, Karl Marx in 1848 said that God was a myth, and religion was the opium of the masses.

In view of such denials, another battle waged against God is the scientific theory of evolution with all of its components says there is no God. A word of caution to the unwise though is found in the words of the Psalmist David who said in Psalms 14:1 "...The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."

Evolution began its widespread theology in 1859 when Charles Darwin published his book The Origin Of Species. The theory of evolution caused a visible eruption in 1925 when John T. Scopes was prosecuted for violating anti-evolutionary laws in Dayton, Tn. The theory is taught in most every school system today. It has caused people to doubt and even scoff at God. It has shaken the faith of young minds. It has waged an all out war against God, but I would like to remind you that it is only the FOOL who says there is no God. In the following sentences, I would like to briefly explain how science says this world came about. I would ask that you use your rational thinking and decide for yourself as to whether or not you can believe in God.

Evolutionists and those who hold this position say the earth is a result of an explosion. They call this the "BIG BANG THEORY." Supposedly, there were the right gases at the right place at the right time which caused this explosion. As a result, this terrestrial ball formed. After the earth formed, precipitation began to fall because there was a clash in temperatures. Hot oceans formed on the earth. In these bodies of water grouped the basic building blocks of life-- amino acids, enzymes, proteins, and protoplasms. Over a period of billions and billions of years, complex organisms developed. This is how science explains the beginning of life. God is never even suggested! Now I realize that this is a severe simplification of the theory, but it is basically the idea they teach.

With this theory in mind, notice that everything could have come from no other source than God. Paul declares in Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" Isn't it amazing that educated men expect us with our rational thinking to believe that such a perfect world came from such an imperfect beginning? The things of this world could have only come to be because God created them. The earth could have had no other beginning than... in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Gen 1:1.

Which do you believe? Do you think we all may be the product of evolution, and that the Bible's testimony of God and creation is wrong? If so let me ask: "Where did this world come from?" You might say... Gases!" Well, where did these gases come from? You might say.. molecules! Ok, where did these molecules come from? You might say.. Atoms! Alright, where did these atoms come from? You might say.. .Protons, neutrons, and electrons! Okay then, where did these protons, neutrons, and electrons come from? You might say.. .uh! uh! uh! I don't know. What? You don't know! Did you know that there is a scientific law which states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed? It's properties can only be rearranged. Now that's a scientific law. That's not hocus-pocus theory. Could you actually expect one to believe lifeless matter came from nothing?

I can believe, however, that there is a God who always was, who created everything. But, it is not enough just to say there is a God that created everything. We need some substantial proof. Paul said the invisible things are clearly seen. Let's see if we can see God together.

When you look at a house, you see the evidence of a carpenter. When you look at a painting, you see the evidence of an artist. When you look at this world and the universe, you see the evidence of God Almighty! The psalmist said, "The heavens declare the glory of God" and the firmament showeth his handiwork." Psa 19:1. We can see God because everything declares the glory of God.

Our Solar System

First, I believe in God because the solar system declares the glory of God. Did you ever consider the relationship between the earth and the sun? Did you ever wonder how the earth and the sun were in exact proportion with one another to sustain life? Did you know that on the average this earth is approximately 93 million miles away from the sun? The earth sits with a 23.5 degree tilt. It is approximately 23,000 miles in circumference around the equator. The earth rotates around the sun and has temperatures differing over 200 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, it gets as hot as 132 f in the Sahara desert, and as cold as -96 fin Omyikan, Siberia. Scientists say that if the earth were any closer to the sun we would all burn up.

If we were any farther away, we would all freeze to death. Did you ever wonder how the earth wound up with such exactness in distance from the sun? Listen to this... "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?" Job 38:4,5 How did the earth get approximately 93 million miles away from the sun? God put it there. The fool hath said, "THERE IS NO GOD!"

The Formulas

Second, I believe in God because all of life declares the glory of God. I understand that science has categorized everything into three major kingdoms: plant, animal, and mineral. I want to concern ourselves with the plant and animal kingdoms. Did you know that science says these two kingdoms are dependent on one another? If all the plants died, all of the animals would soon perish. If all the animals were to die, the plants would all eventually perish as well. These two forms of life are dependent on one another. Did you ever consider the relationship between the two? According to science, plants go through a process known as photosynthesis. This is the process where plants make their own food. They combine the rays of the sun with their green pigment known as chlorophyll and produce their own food. Science has devised an empirical formula that shows the process of photosynthesis. It is 6 C02 + 6 H20 = C6 1112 06 + 6 02.

That is a fancy way of saying that when trees breathe in they take in carbon dioxide and when they breathe out they give off oxygen. During this process, they also make their own food. If you're still with me, science says that animals go through a process of respiration. In this process, they breathe and use the energy produced by the plants. Science has come up with a little formula for respiration as well. It is C6 1112 06 + 6 02 6 C02 + 6 H20.

That's a fancy way of saying that when animals breathe in they take in oxygen, and when they breathe it, they exhale carbon dioxide. Notice something with me... Did you know these two formulas are exact opposites of one another? I mean one going forward is the other going backwards. How did it get this way? Suppose it just evolved? or perhaps, the fool hath said, "THERE IS NO GOD."

The Human Body

Third, I believe in God because the human body declares the glory of God. The human body is an amazing machine. What do you believe about man? Do you believe he originated from a clump of pond scum that developed gills and fins, flopped out on the bank, grew a tail, swung through the trees grunting ug-ug? Or can you believe that on the sixth day God created him and said it was very good? Please let me tell you a little about the human body. The human body is composed of cells that work together to make tissues. These tissues work together to make organs. These organs work together to make systems. These systems cooperate so the body will live and function. Basically, there are three major systems: the skeletal system, the muscular system, and the nervous system. The skeletal system is composed of 206 bones held together by ligaments. On the skeletal system hangs the muscular system which is connected by tendons. Laid throughout these muscles are a countless number of nerves which work in conjunction with the brain and the spinal cord. These three systems work together to allow the body to function as a unit. For example, right now, this very instant, you can wiggle your foot Are you wiggling your foot? Do you know how you're doing that? Well the message registers in your brain. It pulsates down your spinal cord, and is relayed through the nerves in the muscles. The nerves in your foot then tell the muscles in your foot to contract and relax. The end result is your foot moves. Isn't that amazing? Something else, did you ever consider sight? Isn't it amazing that you can sit there, hold this piece of paper, and read... THERE IS A GOD! Everyone else holding a copy of this paper can read the exact same thing. Isn't it amazing that somehow someway you're able to translate the words from the page and register them in your minds? How do you suppose it got this way? Evolution? Remember, the fool hath said, "THERE IS NO GOD."

Brethren, we don't have to wonder whether or not God is real because "the invisible things are clearly beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD IS! That's why I believe.--529 1/2 W. 7th Ada, OK 74820

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