By J. A. Dennis

Since the "one container" brethren are about dead, and our Sunday School brethren have gone to the sects, it looks like a great opening for the truth. All we need now is work, work, work. We have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So let us get going, preaching everywhere we have opportunity and meeting error as did Paul and the rest of the apostles.

(Church Messenger).

Our "S. S. brethren" are able to speak for themselves, and so I shall not attempt to speak for them. But I intend to expose his wicked thrust at us!

If he will investigate I think he will find that we are stronger now than at any time since we were forced, in the interest of the truth and the welfare of the Church, to start the fight against the Babylonian heresy of "two or more," and "individual," cups. Back in 1928, when the fight started in dead earnest, there were but about six preachers to make the fight! But what a "majestic army with banners" (Song of Songs 6:10) we now have with us, on earth, to "battle for the right" on this question!! And, since almost every issue of the 0. P. A. brings out new defenders and supporters of the doctrine that "this cup"—poteerion, a drinking-cup, a goblet" (Pickering)"is the New Covenant ratified by my blood" (Luke 22:20), we are led to suspicion that "the wish is father to the thought" (McGarvey) that we "are about dead"!

Besides, OUR LORD, Who is now seated "at the right hand of God" (Acts 2:33) on His Throne as "King" and Ruler (Acts 17:7; 1 Tim. 6:19), is among those whom Bro. Dennis dubbs as "the ‘one container brethren," He having used but one cup (Mt. 26:27), and said the "cup is the New Covenant" (Lk. 22:20); and He is not "about dead," for "He liveth unto the age of ages" (Rev.1:18) and will judge all transgressors of His law "in that day" (Rev. 20:11-15)


And "the twelve apostles of the Lamb" (Rev. 21:14), who are now seated "on twelve thrones’ judging the twelve tribes of Israel" (Mt. 19 :28)—they are among those whom our brother calls "the ‘one container’ brethren," for Paul, who was "not a whit behind the chiefest of apostles" (2 Cor. 11:5), bound the use of one cup upon the Corinthians (1 Cor. 11 :23-28) and all other Christians (1 Cor. 1:1-4). This was bound on the churches on earth, and is also "bound in heaven" (Mt. 16:19). "Forever, 0 Yahweh, is thy word settled in heaven" (Psa. 119:89). And the apostles, who "bound" and "settled" this matter in both heaven and earth, are not "about dead." They are in spirit, alive now, and judging "the twelve tribes of Israel (Mt. 19 :28). And when the saints finally reach their destination to which, as "strangers and pilgrims on the earth" (Heb. 11 :13), they are now wending their way, they shall see that "the wall of the city"—"the holy city, the New Jerusalem"—has "twelve foundation stones, and on them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb" (Rev. 21:14).

And all the holy martyrs, who "were beheaded"—literally, from the Greek "cut with the axe" (Rome’s badge of power)—"for the testimony of Jesus" (Rev. 20:4), were among those whom our brother calls "the ‘one container’ brethren," for one of them—Ignatius, died A. D. 107— says, "There is one cup for the uniting of His blood." Another—Justin Martyr, died A. D. 165—says, "There is then brought to the president of the brethren bread and a cup of wine."

And let Church Messenger open its pages for a written investigation of the cups heresy, and its readers will soon be permitted to see how "dead" we are. And his claim that the cups advocates "have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," will be shown to be no nearer to the truth than his claim that we "are about dead"!

J. D. Phillips

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