"I do not write hastily nor without much prayerful deliberation. I would like to see my Lord and enter with Him into the new kingdom, but I dare not treat lightly his own clear statements and build a hope on questionable premises. With due respect for those who are sincerely declaring:‘The Coming of the Lord is very, very, VERY NEAR, Even at the door.’ I believe it a mistake to so teach. It creates an unwarranted hope, discourages constructive work and causes many to lose confidence in our interpretation of Scripture concerning the ‘Second Coming’ because of continued failure of predictions based on certain Scriptures and current events cited in proof oftheir contentions."—Adventist, in P. T. M., October 19, 1933

Reply: Yes, with every unusual event there are yet some Adventists who have an "interpretation" that "proves beyond question" that the coming of the Lord is at hand, "even at the door," and there are always some "itching ears" ready to catch their words which have proved to be false time and time almost without number, and thus discredit is thrown on the Bible. In fact some, with the preacher, have thrown the Bible aside as "a blind guide" after such failure. As a matter of truth, they are "false" teachers, and the Bible predicts their coming e. g. 2 Pet. 2:1. And since the predictions in the Bible come true, our faith in the word of the Lord is made stronger.

H. C. Harper

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