By E. A. Lowry
1937 has passed and gone with the things that were. A new year is here with its problems, temptations, and trials; a forcible reminder to one who is trying to work out his own salvation, to look behind him to his past teachings and practices, and compare them with the teachings and practices of the Church in the beginning, even one hundred years ago.
If we are following the Apostles’ teachings, can we not know it? Would it not pay us big dividends to cast away pride, prejudice, and presumption, and humbly bow to the authority of our King?
What shall we gain here or hereafter by our substitutions, and man-made devices for the worship of God? Can we claim to be loyal when year after year new things are being introduced into the Church worship’ and practice?
I do not wish by any means to cause ill feelings, nor will I among those whose hearts are right, and who are trying to use the Bible as a guide, but my duty to God first, and my fellow-man second, impells me to point out some of the things which are separating the Church of Christ from the love and approval of our God, Whom we wish to please.
I do hope and pray that you brethren will not scoff at these things, but as sensible men and women, who wish to be saved; who want the truth and are not afraid of it, will search the scriptures and compare OUR TEACHING with Inspiration.
1st, We ‘are wrong in our manner ‘of choosing and appointing elders and deacons. (Acts 6:1-6, Acts 14:23, Titus 1:5,), and have no CERTAIN way to do it.
2nd, We are wrong, and ape the denominations in CALLING some one to be our "Local Minister," and to preach for US during "good behavior." (Acts 13:1-3, 1 Timothy 4:14).
3rd, We teach the Bible in SCRAPS, in a modern Sunday School, aping the denominations in this, when we may easily find that for eighteen hundred years it was a compact body, taught by the elders and evangelists.
4th, There is no spirituality in the church, because all is "formality." "Bow your heads while WE pray, two songs, a formal prayer, classes, short sermon, five minutes for Supper, hurry home and get ready for the "ball game."
5th, "Every one must have his own CUP, otherwise he may go to Judgment before he is ready." Another denominational get-up is that one BIG man says: "Suppose Jesus DID use one cup, is that any reason why WE should ?" What has he done for 1 Cor. 10:16? What if he was named Grover Cleveland, I wouldn’t be in "his shoes for his socks"!
O that the Church could be aroused to realize its lost condition! Can we not learn something from the church at Jerusalem? Although consisting of the throng of 3000 to 5000, we do not hear of them all trying to commune together, but "breaking bread from house to house" (Acts 2:46.) Also at Troas, "in the third story of a house" (Acts 20:7). Jesus sets the example with twelve, and it was to be, and was taken on the order of the Passover. Hence, a large congregation trying to take it together is wrong.
Dayton, Tennessee