(Luke 17:32)

By Win. Freeman Jones, Iberia, Mo.

It is very saddening to see a prospective convert to Christ "almost persuaded," or having already made the Confession, turning back without being baptised into Christ. Such an one had come to where he could pass through the cleansing fountain (1 John 1:7; Rev. 1:5), then conceded that he thought more of the lost world than he did of the only Savior (John 3:14-21). Thus he rejected the steps toward full obedience that he had taken; he failed to put on Christ (Gal. 3:27); he was not washed from his past sins (1 Cor. 6:11; Acts 22:16; Eph. 5:26; Titus 3:5); and he was outside of the house of all spiritual blessings for this life (2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 1:3; Heb. 2:12). So he remains unsaved, without hope, and in darkness. (Matt. 22:1-14).

But how much better off, if any, is the convert to Christ, fully pardoned of his past sins, who turns back to the weak and beggerly elements of the lost world? "If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him" (Heb. 10:38). "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth" (Col. 3:1-2). But he has quit seeking things above the earth, and is seeking things on the earth. Therefore, such an one is lost; "Remember Lot’s wife."

The Savior should soon have no people on the earth, if he should cease to gain new believers. Also, his work in the earth should soon cease, if his followers should all cease to follow him. For He depends upon his people in the earth to carry on his work and to spread the Gospel message among the children of men. Therefore, as "the pillar and ground of the Truth, the church of the living God, which is the house of God" (1 Tim. 3:15), his only spiritual organization, or society, ordained and authorized to execute his work on the earth, his people must worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), when assembled (Heb. 12:23), and also live godly lives among the children of men (1 Tim. 4:8, 10). When the Lord’s people turn from, or turn their backs upon this course, the Lord’s work becomes dead so far as those who thus misconduct themselves are concerned (1 Thess. 1 :7). Joshua agonizingly said, "0 Lord, what shall I say, when Israel turneth their backs before their enemies" (Josh. 7:8). But there was a cause: Sin had so weakened them that they were unable to stand before their enemies.

When two people have common sins—sins of which each is guilty—they have no fight against each other. So long as Israel had Ashdodites, Amorites and Moabites among them without opposition to their falsities, Israel could not fight the people with false gods. But when Israel had put away the "ites" with their false worship, they could stand before their enemies and make a valiant fight (Ezra 10:10-17; Neh. 13:23-31). See also Joshua 24:14-25; Gen. 35:1-4. We must not only put aside what is false, but also remove it out of our sight.

Brethren, who pretend to serve the Lord, yet do not openly oppose old human traditions in worship and work, cannot be acceptable to the Lord. As we learn, we must do, or not do, as the case may be. I know of congregations which may have but one item of worship or work that is out of spiritual order. Such places can easily be rid of everything that may defile the sanctuary so to speak. Maybe a congregation has no classes, and no women teachers or leadership, no fixed-price preacher, and nothing else unscriptural but in the communion service. They use two loaves, or break the loaf in two, and two cups — two men pass the emblems to the congregation. Maybe when they are taught the Lord’s way, to use one loaf and one cup, they will readily accede to the right way, for they are honest, and want the truth

I know of congregations which will not tolerate the idea of having individual communion sets. They believe that it is wrong to serve the Lord’s table in that manner. Yet they do have two or more divisions of the loaf and as many cups, in the hands of so many men who wait upon the congregation. They do not realize that, on the same principle that they divide the loaf and have two or more cups, they can also have individual communion cups.

Why not, brethren? I can see no difference. But the Lord’s word teaches his people to have but one loaf and but one cup, just as Christ’s example on the night on which He was betrayed (Matt. 26:26-28; I Cor. 10:16, 17; 11:23-34).

Then on the same principle, that you divide up the loaf into loaves, and the cup into cups, you can also divide up the Lord’s assembly. or congregation, into classes. But "There is ONE body," which Paul explains, in Eph. 1 :22-23 and Col. 1:18. as being "the church."

What right have I to go to the world and teach them to abstain from all unwritten things in being the Lord’s people, while I myself am teaching and practicing things which are against keeping "the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace"?

"Remember Lot’s wife," my brethren. She looked back..

One step away from the divine plan leads to another. A young woman takes tap-dancing lessons while teaching a class of children at what is called the Lord’s worship. Another young woman who teaches a class of young folk, at what some call the Lord’s worship, wants her pastor to take dancing into church activities. The pastor refuses. She hires a hall and takes her class members there for dancing lessons. "If we can have instrumental music in our church, why can’t we have literature for our classes, and a supper to raise funds with which to support the preacher, buy literature, song books, etc.? Yes, you can, for you have opened the floodgate, and such is the force of ungodliness, that you cannot shut it!? ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER! and "they increase unto more ungodliness."

Therefore we, who are honest, sincere, are seeking for "the old paths" (Jer.6:16), "where is the good way." Yet some say, "We will not walk therein!" If we seek for the good way, we are "abundantly satisfied with what is written."

Oh, brethren, let us obey 2 Cor. 13:5, and thus "Remember Lot’s wife."

(To be concluded)

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