Those who use tobacco if sane surely lust for it. Lust has a meaning—desire, longing, craving. All of man’s desires, lusts, longings,’ and cravings can either be spiritual or fleshly and carnal (Gal.5:17).

Now let us search for the truth on this subject and reason together. We have a perfect law of liberty (James 1:25,11 Tim. 3:16, 17). This is a spiritual law (John 6:63); it is in the spirit that we are righteous (Rom. 8:6, 9). By obeying this spiritual law (Jno. 6:63) we become spiritual, taking on the spirit of Christ (Rom. 8:9) and being led by this spirit of God (Rom. 8:14) we denounce the lust of the flesh (Rom. 8:13), (Gal. 5:24). We are forbidden to make provisions to fulfill fleshly lusts (Rom. 13:14).

We are taught that our perfect law (James 1:25, II Tim. 3:16, 17) is spiritual, and includes all spiritual lusts and desires, and the desires and lusts not included in this law as spiritual are nothing else but carnal and fleshly, therefore sinful. No middle ground—Jesus says you are either for or against Him (Matt. 12:30). To be sure that we can have spiritual lusts or desires, and fleshly desires and lusts (Gal. 5:17). We cannot have both and be righteous.

Those who profess to be followers of Christ and have a desire for tobacco, can this desire be classed as a spiritual desire of the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:14) leads them to desire such carnal desires? Certainly not, because our perfect law never furnishes such proof for Christians. It is no part of a Christian’s desires (Gal. 5:24).

Again we find no sin in material things (I Cor. 6:18). The part of man that can sin and does sin is the spirit, heart, soul, or inwardman. It sins When it desires carnal things, to be sure this is right, read (Matt. 5:28) (Matt. 9:4), also (Acts 8:22), where Simon’s thoughts were evil.

We understand the heart or soul of man by the actions and works of the flesh of man or the fleshly part of man. Jesus said (Matt. 7:20) "wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." Know what? Know what is in his heart, the kind of a spirit he has, of Christ or of Satan.

Now we have in Gal. 1:19 the word of God naming some of the works of the desires of the flesh or carnal man. Some may think in this verse there is nothing that condemns the use of tobacco, but there is in this verse the word Lasciveousness and means Excess Lust. So we see excess lust is sinful desire, and although you may think you do not go to the excess in desiring tobacco, you cannot escape for (Gal. 5:24) we have this: "And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and desires." By this we understand that all the affections and desires are crucified so it is if you lust little or in excess after the flesh you still stand in sin.

Would to God that our preaching brethren and Elders would give more study to this subject of lust, and then declare the truth to every Church that they have opportunity to do so. We must prepare to fight this fight (Gal. 4:14).

I find many members in every church where I go following the desires of the flesh in using tobacco. Even some of our Elders and leaders. Oh, what a shame! such purity (?)! Brethren, God is the giver of all good gifts. If using tobacco is good we should be teaching those who do not use it to form the habit and get the desire that we may all be one. If not, let us teach this is a sin and abstain from it one and all. If after being taught they repent, forgive them and have fellowship with them, be brethren to them. If they repent not, withdraw from them, be separated (II Cor. 6:17, 18). Righteousness hath no fellowship with unrighteousness. Let us purify ourselves (I Peter 1:22) (Matt. 5:16). while it is day. Hoping that what has been said may cause those who have not the truth on lust to study with patience that we may all have the truth and be one.

John B. Hall

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