There have been many changes, such as the growth of young people’s meetings, the second observance of the Lord’s Supper at the night service; but the question is: To what extent have these changes been influenced by Bible teaching? Or, more specifial1y, have we drifted toward God or away from his plan? Every change must stand upon its own merits. There will always be changes. There will always be drifting — unplanned changes.

W. E. B., Aug. 9, 1934


Now, take the standard, the N. T., and see whether you can find therein "a second observance of the Lord’s supper," a Sunday-school-classroom church in operation? Do you see the "located evangelist, pastor, or minister"? Do you see cups—two or more, or individual cups—on the Lord’s table? Do you see two or more loaves there? Some drifting, you see, just as what is now the Roman Catholic Church drifted where she is. Truly, the Lord did not put such things in, and they are as truly innovations, as is the practice of the priest in drinking all the wine and sprinkling in the room of baptism, dipping. When we have the word of God for a practice it can be done by faith, for "Faith cometh by the word of God," Rom. 10:17. And if we are anchored to the word of God, there will be no drifting, for the drifting is brought about by "the commandments and doctrines of men." (Col. 2:21, 22; Acts 20:30-32; Mt. 7:15-22; Eph. 4:14-17.)

H. C. Harper



"Question: Where in all the commandments of Jesus, and of the inspired writers of the New Testament, is there one command for the mentioned practices of the Christian Churches? There is no such command—no, they belong to the commandments of men."

Overby, Minister," in his "Mirror."

And the same thing can be said of Overby’s Sunday school, Minister or Pastor for a church, cups in communion, and a lot of other clap-trap on the way to the. Christian Church, and but little behind it. If such are not the "commandments of men" (Col. 2:22), "where in all the commandments of Jesus and the inspired writers of the New Testament, is there one command for the mentioned practices" in the "Sunday school" churches of Christ with which "Overby, Minister," affiliates? This is much-desired information. Who is able to furnish it? Can the "Mirror" do it? Speak up, now.

H. C. Harper

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