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1986 Articles


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The suggested changes from proofreaders are listed beneath the title of the article.

     Organization  by Barney Owens
    09-20-99 - Allison Harris-
    1st paragraph    
    1) "are want" should either be just "want" or "are wont."  "Wont" means
    "accustomed to
    2) "to restore" doesn't really sound right.  I would say "of restoring"
    3) needs comma after "noble ends"
    2nd paragraph
    1) "can't" needs the apostrophe
    2) "re-think" probably doesn't need the hyphen
    3) under (a) no comma after "so"
    4) under (b) "to worship God" instead of "for"
    5) last sentence of (b)-I don't really understand what he means by "as per organization" but         
    regardless I would think there should be a comma after "organization"
    6) under (3) I don't really understand how "desirous" fits in
    4th paragraph-"Meeting a Need"
    1) second sentence-"such may be the case," also I would probably say "but" after "case"
    2) sentence after Proverbs scripture-I'm not sure I understand this but I would think a comma would 
    not be needed here
    3) two sentences later-"that" should either be inside the quotes or outside consistently in both     
    examples.  I would say outside.  Also, in the second example, I would put a comma after "something"
    5th paragraph-"The New Testament Concept"
    1) "its" should not have an apostrophe
    2) first sentence is really two sentences-either separate with a semicolon or substitute "as" for "it"
    Should A Christian Fast?  by David A. Stands
10-20-99 - Allison Harris-
    2nd paragraph - He mentions Matthew 4, where Jesus fasted in the wilderness. You may want to
    give the specific reference (Matt. 4:2) so the reader can go to that verse?
    3rd paragraph - no comma between fast and "per se"
        next sentence--semicolon rather than comma before it is an act of faith
        next sentence--no comma after "eat"
        next sentence--not of man
    4th paragraph - in parentheses--comma after that is
    5th paragraph  -  comma after if done correctly
    6th paragraph - Same as first comment, you may want to form the scripture reference
    correctly so it can link to the verse
    last scripture reference--not sure why the V3 is there
    10th paragraph (There are certain dangers . . .) comma after scripture reference to Luke 18:12
    comma after Brothers and sisters
    scripture reference--offering, not offerings; also, the whole verse was not quoted so I would think 
a " . . ." would be appropriate after them 
    last line--period should be inside quotes after faults
    after "Pray without ceasing" I would think we would start a new sentence or at least use a semicolon
  instead of a period
    II Chronicles reference--period inside quotes
    next 2 sentences--should end with a question mark?
    4th sentence--not a complete sentence
    next sentence--comma after Yes
    Psalms reference--comma after heart
    Second paragraph of #4
    3rd sentence--maybe say . . .putting to death of ones evil . . .
    reference to Sycar--I believe this is spelled Sychar
    General note - I'm not sure about all the use of  " . . ." before quoting verses.  I would
    usually think this is used if you are beginning your quote in the middle of
    the verse. 

    Our Preachers
     10-19-99 - Allison Harris-
         6th paragraph
         6th sentence--cant needs apostrophe
         two sentences down--to just be is a split infinitive, should be just to be
         7th paragraph
         end of paragraph--inevitable should be inevitably; Ill needs apostrophe
         8th paragraph
         4th sentence--split infinitive, should be . . .that practically had to beg . . .
         10th paragraph
         regarding Luke 10--as used here, nor should be or (he is not quoting the verse)
         11th paragraph last sentence--should be congregationally??
    "Take the Name of Jesus With You" by Paul Walker      
    10-20-99 - Allison Harris-
    2nd paragraph  last sentence--this is kind of a run-on sentence but I couldn't think of what to do with it
    3rd paragraph  2nd sentence--not sure about this sentence either; it's not complete and at the least        there is an ending quotes with no beginning quotes
    4th paragraph reference to Mark 14--Might want to reword so that the reader to click to the
    verse midway down--need a comma after sang a hymn
    4 sentences down--well needs apostrophe
    last sentence--may be should be maybe; also don't know why the apostrophe is in there in front of 
    5th paragraph  5th sentence--needs something between custom and it;  maybe a semicolon but  that is
    an awfully long sentence

    Can A Divorced Fornicator Remarry?  by Jerry Cutter
    10-20-99 - Allison Harris-
        2nd paragraph  last sentence--PERSON'S needs the apostrophe
        9th paragraph  last sentence--God's needs the apostrophe
        Last paragraph  next to last sentence--Jesus needs an apostrophe to make it possessive.

   Elders and Deacons:  A Warning  by Paul O. Nichols 
09-08-99 - Donna Marsh -
            *end of 2nd paragraph needs to have a ? instead of a . (period)
            *5th paragraph ...A Congregation ...congregation need not be capitalized.

        10-20-99 - Allison Harris-
            4th paragraph next to last sentence--I'm not sure if scripturalness is a word???
             Last paragraph 1st sentence--Lord's needs the apostrophe
            Last sentence--comma after all

    The (One) Gospel by K.G. Wilks
        10-20-99 - Allison Harris-
     3rd paragraph  first sentence--Fernald's needs the apostrophe; also, reference to pp 75
     should probably be in the same format as the first reference, not p..;
     also, '
     The needs the ending single quotes); also, worth should be worthy I think
     5th paragraph  4th sentence--period should be inside quotes after gospels
     reference to A. D. 33--should probably put a comma after church or say in  A. D. 33
     reference to A. D. 93--need hyphen between God and inspired; also, need comma after church)
     reference to John 17:13--I believe this should be John 16:13
     6th paragraph reference to Acts 20--may want to put the scripture in the format so the
     reader can click to it
     next to last sentence--needs period at end of sentence
     7th paragraph reference to Gal 1:6--same as above; also, don't need that extra " before
     the chapter and verse reference
     reference to verse 16--not sure why the . . . ; also, another extra "
     verse 19--Lord's needs the apostrophe
     8th paragraph 2nd sentence--need it between epistle and is; also in to could be into
     9th paragraph 3rd sentence--life time could be lifetime
     5th sentence--of not should be or not

    This and That by Don McCord
      10-21-99 - Allison Harris-
         2nd sentence--said should be sad, I think
         last sentence--comma after fornication
         Honor, 2nd paragraph
         midway down--need comma after remember
         next paragraph
         6th sentence--writer's needs the apostrophe
         next sentence--Princes doesn't need an apostrophe
         third from last--know should be knew
         beginning of recipes--sisters' needs an apostrophe
         regarding Wanda--need comma after loaf
         McKinney--I think that's 1 t. not it.

    You Won't Have Any Trouble by Voyd Ballard

    A Study of Heb 6: 1-6 by Clovis T. Cook
    The Book of Daniel by Doug Edwards
    Strengthen The Things That Remain by Johnny Elmore
    Worship:  Definition and Purpose of Worship by Jimmy Cutter

     1 Corinthians 11:1-16 by Bill Roden     
    "Lest We Forget" by Don McCord   
        09-09-99 - Donna Marsh -
     In the paragraph beginning with "The brother recklessly says:", maybe the : should be a ,
        In the paragraph beginning with "The brother does not" - the , between bind one and that is not 
        In the paragraph beginning with "In the article at hand, " the : should be a ,

    Editorial:  Thinking Aloud by Barney Owens
    Those Church Lawsuits by Jimmie C. Smith

    The Civil War and Pacifism (Part 1) by Jimmy Cutter
    Fellowship-Communion by Edwin S. Morris
    Godless Doctrine by Tony Melton
        09-08-99 - Donna Marsh -
        Under "Amoeba To Man" - 4th line down, 'we' is plural and amoeba is singular so to keep 'we'         
         amoeba needs to be made amoebas and leave out 'an'. 
        Last  line of that paragraph, 'does' goes with a singular idea and since God AND his word are in 
         the sentence, 'does' needs to be changed to 'do'.
   Key To Success:  Discipline by Barney Owens
   "They Shall Take Up Serpents" by Billy Dickinson
   Which Bible by Jerry Cutter
    The American Christian Missionary Society During the Civil War (Part 2) by Jimmy Cutter
    An Observation by Jerry Cutter
    The Christian Home by Roy Lee Criswell
    Clippings and Comments from Here and There by Don McCord
    The Effect of Criticism and Gossip on Relationships by Gary Barrett
    More About the Woman's Hair by Don King

    Reading For Life by Raymond Fox
     09-09-99 - Donna Marsh -
First line - Christian's needs no '
        In the paragraph beginning with "There must be something" near the bottom - It is written needs 
            a   ,   after it.
        Needs  .   at the end.
    Will Ye Also Go Away? by William St. John
    Are Individual Cups An Aid? by Billy D. Dickinson
    Our Singing by Don L. King

    Psalm 110:  1-4, (Part 1) by Bennie T. Cryer
    "We Can Never Divide"? (Part 3)  by Jimmy Cutter



    Bible Principles of Dress for Christians by George Vergara
    Singing by Edwin Morris
     09-09-99 - Donna Marsh -
  In the paragraph beginning with "There are two ways of making", (2) You -the y does not need 
            to be capitalized since it's in the middle of the sentence.
     In the paragraph beginning with "In Col 3:16 "Let the word" - Christian practice should be         
            Christian practices.
    Psalm 110 (Part 2) by Bennie T. Cryer
    If They Shall Fall Away by Terry Baze
    McGarvey on Fellowship by Johnny Elmore
    Disease In The Cup? by Voyd N. Ballard
09-13-99  -  Donna Marsh -
    In the paragraph beginning with "You say, "But there is no way" there needs to be a space between
        Kings 5:12 and I.
    Same paragraph, last line. The . needs to be eliminated and replaced with that ? that is outside the "
    Next paragraph, door knobs is one word.
    Next paragraph, Matt, 26:27  needs to be Matt.26:27 
    communion, Had -- the H needs to be an h
    In the paragraph beginning with "Please notice" -  that needs to be capitalized


    God and Truth are Inseparable by Bobby Pepper    
    Is Something Wrong With The Gospel We Preach?  by Tony Melton

        09-09-99 - Donna Marsh -

     In the paragraph beginning with "The apostle Paul, like Christians" - what WAS Paul's reactions, 
            needs to be what WERE Paul's reactions 
        In the paragraph beginning with "In our country, people" - broadway needs to be broad way.

    The Day of Thy Power (Part 3) by Bennie T. Cryer
    Turn the Radio On by Taylor A. Joyce    
09-09-99 - Donna Marsh -
     In the paragraph beginning with "The newspaper article", transmissions
            needs a , after it.
        In the paragraph beginning with "Deception cost the life", 2nd line, instructions needs a , after it.

     A Millstone Around the Neck by Alfred Newberry
     Alias:  The Devil by Jerry Dickinson
     By Way of Remembrance (Part 1)  by C.A. Smith
     Where Are We Headed? by Paul O. Nichols

09-07-99  -   Donna Marsh  - 
         Under "The Truth Shall make You Free" the scripture should read Jno 8:31-32.

     Fellowship and The Marriage Question by Irvin Barnes
Three Important Matters -- Just Thinking Out Loud by Don McCord
     Editorial by Don L. King
     "It Is Not Lawful For Thee To Have Her" by Ronny Wade
     Fifty Years Ago -
Brother Sommers Speaks Concerning My Tract by J.D. Phillips

    Training Children:  To Spank or Not To Spank by James D. Orten
    Things Highly Esteemed Among Men by Billy Dickinson
    Respecting the Silence of the Scriptures by Jimmie C. Smith
    Pages From the Past -
"In the Name" and "Into the Name" Again by H.C. Harper   
    Will C.W. Mickey Stand Behind His Challenge?  by Ronny Wade 

    The Right to Wear the Name Christian by Barney Owens
    Sweeter Than Honey by Steven Bowen
    I Ceased Not To Warn Everyone by Paul O. Nichols
    Four "Nots" For the Christian by Johnny Elmore
    Pages From The Past -
Footwashing by H.C. Harper


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