An Appeal
Our Brothers and Sisters are in Distress
While we enjoy Thanksgiving Day... And cannot eat all that is before us...
Please remember our brothers, sisters, and children in need

There is a great need for your help among our starving brethren in Mindanao.  Recent infestations of rats, locusts, and worms in the ag fields and vegetable gardens have destroyed almost all of the produce in many areas of Southern Mindanao.  Unlike most of us in the U.S., these brethren rely on their crops and gardens for physical survival.  Although they are working hard to overcome this heartbreaking dilemma, they certainly could use your one-time donation to help ease their burden and feed their children.
Brethren, when we carry out the Great Commission and go into third-world countries, we are blessed with new brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.  All of us also acquire responsibilities because these brethren become part of our spiritual family.  Many of these brethren are seriously in need of being "warmed and filled."  Will you please help?
Documented, detailed information is available at the following link:
People throughout Mindanao are also starving for the Gospel; many have requested meetings with our preachers.  There are souls hungering and dying spiritually whom we can help save!  Some of our supported preachers have been traveling to the point of physical exhaustion as well as being too long away from their families.  For several good reasons, including security, they try to travel in small groups--not unlike the apostle Paul's missionary journeys.  There is a real need for additional preachers to conduct requested meetings and to follow-up on many, many leads.  Right now, the preachers try to schedule requested Gospel Meetings as they have time and can afford to make the journeys.  Many meetings have not taken place because of a lack of funding and/or available preachers.  More faithful preachers are needed in the field (for it is ready for harvesting).  Additional support is needed for more faithful preachers who stand willing to serve.
Some of the established preachers are trying to help the situation by conducting monthly preachers' studies. As many "new preachers" as can afford to make the trip come together at a local meeting place for a day or two of intensive study.  Some of the "new preachers" bring other preachers with them, and many of them are converted as well.
Often an entire denominational or cups congregation is converted.  That creates a need for a veteran, faithful preacher to come in and work for awhile with them and their local preacher.  Many of these local preachers have college and/or seminary degrees but have given up their support by accepting the truth.  However, they still are needed full-time to edify the newly-converted congregations.  Some of them are in real need of help to feed their families. They also need to travel to monthly preachers' studies for their continued learning of the truths in God's Word.
Desperately needed:
#1.  More than one hundred congregations need food for their members because of major damage to farm crops and gardens caused by an infestation of rodents and insects.  In many cases, they are at the point of near-starvation. (Many of them are boiling roots and eating them to try to fill their stomachs.)  Please give what you can, and established preachers in Mindanao will handle the distribution.  Signed distribution records will be kept and confirmed. (If there are any surplus funds, they will be used for medical needs and/or unsupported preachers' needs.)
#2.  Support for seven additional preachers at $150/mo. + $40 traveling expenses, totaling $190/mo. each.
#3.  Support for eleven preachers at $50/mo. each so that they can work at their local congregations.
PLEASE... discuss this with your home congregation and ask the brethren to help.  We know that we will be blessed far beyond what we give, and the need is so great.
If you can help, contact me as soon as possible for instructions on sending funds directly to the appropriate preacher in Mindanao for his support or for distribution to the needy.
In His Service,
David Risener
P. O. Box 57
Sulphur, OK 73086
817-710-4291 voice
817-473-6164 fax
Note:  This letter has been sent out with the approval of the Heartland congregation in Wichita, Kansas, that is working with brethren in the southern Philippine area.  Also, the Mindanao effort has become so productive that new areas need help, and Heartland is not able to oversee such an overwhelming expansion.  If your congregation would be interested in overseeing an evangelistic effort in one of these areas, please get in touch with the Heartland congregation.