The links on this page will provide a number of articles dealing with the history of the Bible. How did we come to have the Bible? What is the Bible? Is the Bible the word of God? These and many other questions will be addressed from this page.
Before we can begin to put our trust in any book, we need to know something about the author of that book and the purpose for the book being written. Usually, with novels, this is not really an issue. When we pickup a book that claims certain things as fact, we need to know if such facts are verifiable. We need to know something about the author of the book. We need to know how the book has come down throughout the ages to our present time. These are some of the important aspects of the History of the Bible that we need to understand.
Read these articles with an open mind. Consider the eveidence presented regarding the authority of the Bible. Consider for a moment that the things written in the Bible are actually the Words from God. If they are, does this cause you to think more highly of message of the Bible? If it is the Word of God, what will your response be to its commandments? We now give you something to consider.
A Short History Of The Bible This link gives information on the History of the English Bible, and the History of the Bible overall.
An Outline Of The Bible This link gives an overview of the outline and structure of the Bible.