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Thu, 19 Oct 2000 11:46:27 -0500 (CDT) By Joe Hisle
In regards to the heresy recently taught on email concerning the right of a woman to cut her hair, it is a shame that any "honest" Bible student would have no better grasp on the scriptures than to think that a woman who naturally had longer hair would have more glory than a woman who naturally had shorter hair! That is the conclusion one is forced to if the length is what is under consideration. The greatest tragedy of all is that souls will be lost because of the circulation of this error. Dear Sisters, make no mistake about it, God forbids you to cut your hair. I commend the articles written by Bro. George Battey and the article appearing in the OPA by Bro. Jerry Dickinson.

Sun, 15 Oct 2000 17:52:03 -0500 (CDT)   By Lonnie York 
It was with great sorrow that I first read Rick Cutter's article on the hair question. I can recall the times that I was in the home of Jerry and Pat Cutter and Jerry's children were all young. Rick was always a joy to be around and he was often a great encourager of the truth. To read his article and its false claims saddens me greatly. George did an excellent job in showing the errors in Rick's article. The hair question has been one which I have spent many an hour studying and debating. When someone has really studied the issues regarding the hair question, they cannot, and would not take the position that Rick has taken. I just pray that, in time, Rick will see the error of his way and repent.

Fri, 13 Oct 2000 19:43:24 -0500 (CDT)  By Randy Cantrell
All Christians concerned for the Truth should stand up against the false doctrine being distributed by Rick Cutter. George did an excellent job of standing for the Truth. Women who refuse to let their hair grow stand an unsafe distance from their Creator. Teachers in the local congregation should take note that consistent instruction on this, and all other matters of Truth, is needed to protect the flock of God in every place. May the distribution of this false doctrine be our wake up call to hold the line on a "thus saith the Lord."

Thu, 12 Oct 2000 13:02:20 -0500 (CDT)    By Bruce Roebuck
I greatly appreciate George's article. He made it very clear that the idea under consideration was to let the hair grow long. God replaced the veil, a custom of various societies, with this command: to let the hair grow. The Corinthian women did not have a problem with shaving or shorning their hair, rather they trimmed and modified it. Paul pointed out that they were therefore uncovered in the opening verses of chapter 11, which he calls shameful. I believe that we have been correct in teaching that a woman should not cut or shorten her hair in any fashion and that a man should not let his hair grow long. Teaching otherwise is false doctrine, worthy of discipline.

Thu, 12 Oct 2000 11:54:23 -0500 (CDT)    By Bennie Cryer
I appreciate George's article on the hair question. Every few years someone challenges the scriptural teaching on this subject. It provides comfort for a few who desire to cut their hair.  George's article should bring them back to reality and the scriptural position.

Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:39:07 -0500 (CDT)   By Johnny Elmore
I endorse what George Battey has written on the subject of long hair for women. My conviction is that women should have uncut hair and that it is false teaching to say that women may trim, cut, shear, or shave their hair.

Wed, 11 Oct 2000 08:13:35 -0500 (CDT)    By Smith Bibens
George is to be commended for an outstanding response to the erroneous teaching of Rick Cutter's email mail-out. An abbreviated version of this article is being published by the Christian's Expositor in a combined Oct/Nov issue due out soon. Please weigh carefully the exegetically sound arguments that George presents. Brethren, I believe we will see more examples of this type of thing in the future, sadly, for our people are woefully untaught in many areas. Fathers need to teach their families. Teachers, elders and preachers need to teach the congregations. 

Tue, 10 Oct 2000 13:29:23 -0500 (CDT)  By Billy D. Dickinson
I am sorry that Rick Cutter thought it was necessary to become the "champion defender" of women cutting their hair. The article by George Battey ably demonstrates that the position we have taken for years on 1 Cor. 11:1-16 is a position that is the result of sound exegesis. Rick would lead people to believe that it is a position that has been advocated by people who are ignorant of the Greek language and what the lexicographers have said. However, it is obvious from a reading of George's article that Rick is the one who is misinformed! Also, Rick's long, 22 page article is full of inflammatory language. Yes, it reveals at times a less then admirable attitude toward his brethren. Yet he then has the audacity to plead with people to use a sweet tone when they write to him in disagreement. Surely: "The legs of the lame are not equal" (Proverbs 26:7). One final point. Rick says that he was surprised at the positive response he has received from his article. As my brother Jerry pointed out to him in a letter, that surely shows how inexperienced and naive he must be. All some people needed was an excuse to violate what Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 11. If Rick was not aware of that fact, he really hadn't thought this subject through as thoroughly as he thought he had.

Tue, 10 Oct 2000 12:03:26 -0500 (CDT)  By Greg Gay
Bro. George Battey's article is well researched and plainly presented to let God's people know the truth on this subject: God intends women to let their hair grow. I applaud Bro. George's efforts and agree with him completely, yet I deeply regret the reason for his article. What a shame a brother would blanket the brotherhood with information that is wrong and that he knew would be divisive. My heart goes out to the friends and family of this divisive brother in their time of shame and embarrassment. May God's people everywhere rally around the truth of God's word, and I encourage God's women everywhere to let your hair grow!

Tue, 10 Oct 2000 11:50:02 -0500 (CDT) By Alan Bonifay
I believe George has done an excellent job of presenting the truth on a difficult topic. Please read his article carefully. George has consulted with numerous preachers and several editors in an effort to present this material as clearly as possible. Hopefully, faithful leaders of the church will be better enabled by the article to present the truth to their congregations. Bro. Rick Cutter's spamming of his position on this issue has done grievous damage to the cause of the truth. Unless Rick repents and confesses his sin, he should be identified as a false teacher and marked and avoided.

Tue, 10 Oct 2000 05:43:23 -0500 (CDT)  By Phillip Prince
It is my belief that George's article is one of the best I have ever read on the subject. Everyone needs to print this and keep for their future studies and reference.

Tue, 3 Oct 2000 10:03:4 -0500 (CDT)  By David Risener
Not only did Rick Cutter establish himself as a false teacher by the message he publicly proclaimed, but also he clearly and willfully misrepresented the truth in regard to the manner in which he transmitted it.  No doubt tremendous and lasting damage has been done by Rick's public broadcast of this false teaching.  His rebellious action has given those who are weak in the faith a crutch to lean on in support of worldliness, and has confused some who are new converts in Christ.  
Any sister who believes this false teaching and cuts or trims her hair is committing sin and hinders her worship to God, both publicly and privately.  Anyone who endorses such false teaching is allowing, as it were, a clenched fist thrust heavenward, and a denial of fundamental doctrine found in God's word.  A woman with cut hair openly displays her rebellion to God and his authority, and any leader who does not object openly to his wife's or daughter’s cut hair has no right in a leadership role.  He is, by his silence, endorsing sin the same as if his wife or daughter came into the worship service carrying a sign stating "I reject God's word" and he does not object to her actions. 
I pray this situation will be a "call to arms" to all faithful preachers and leaders to speak out strongly against false teaching and digression such as this, without fear or favor.

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