Agenda: Promoting Unity in Truth Study
February 24 & 25, 2004

Place: N.W. 21st Street Church of Christ, Oklahoma City, OK
Starts: 1:00 PM on the 24th
Ends: Noon on the 25th

February 24:

1:00 PM
Question: Defining Matters of Judgment vs. Matters of Doctrine. One of the principles that guided our restoration fathers was “in matters of doctrine unity; in matters of opinion liberty.”  How does Paul’s teaching in Romans 14 and 15 correlate with this principle? How do we define “judgment” and “doctrine?” What criteria should we use in making a distinction between the two? To what extent should we hold brethren accountable in matters of opinion or liberty? How do matters of opinion ultimately affect matters of doctrine or law? Panelists who will introduce this topic with 7-minute talks each are: Doug Edwards, Smith Bibens, Don Pruitt, and Dan Wissinger.

2:00 PM
Question: Reconciling the Scriptures that say “judge not” with those that indicate we are to judge. Are we correct when we line up one list of scriptures against another in an attempt to “cancel out” the side with which we do not agree? Are there different types of judgment? What are the circumstances and conditions in which we should and should not judge others? Is there a
difference in “judging” and “fruit inspection?” i.e., “by their fruits ye shall know them.”   Panelists: James Orten, Jim Crouch, Terry Baze, and Joe Hisle.

3:00 PM
Question: Large Brotherhood Meetings. What are the pros and cons of such meetings? Can we justify the cost of such meetings? Do they help or hinder in the achievement of unity? What about a meeting so large that no one congregation is able to support it? May several churches pool their funds in order to support such a meeting?  Would a number of smaller, regional meetings better serve the cause of unity? What problems often surface in such meetings? Panelists: Ronny Wade, Cliff Arney, Dennis Smith, and Joe Norton.

4:00 PM
Question: The Role of Human Organizations. What role do human organizations play with reference to the work of the church? May a human organization do the work of the church? Does the creation of such organizations diminish the role the church should take in such areas? What about the sale of articles promoting the organization and its work? How does this impact our relationship to the church and its role? Panelists: Bruce Roebuck, Brett Hickey, Ronny Wade, and Michael Fox.

Break For Dinner

Reassemble at 7:30 PM
Question: Congregational Autonomy in Practice. How does a congregation or an individual know when he is violating congregational autonomy? Surely every brother has a right to talk with brothers of another congregation. What actions show that the line has been crossed? Do congregations have a right to decide who they will use in their services, without censure or interference from other congregations? Can one congregation scripturally withdraw fellowship from another congregation?
Does autonomy grant immunity from censure by anyone? Panelists: Glen Osburn, Richard Bunner, Carl Johnson, and Don Kelly.

February 25th

9:00 AM
Question: Determining the difference between public and private teaching situations. Does the bible teach the concept of public and private teaching? Does Acts 20:20 teach this concept? In what way does individual, incidental teaching differ from organized studies? What limitations are placed on teaching that is public in nature as opposed to teaching that is private? Panelists:  Johnny Elmore, Wayne Fussell, Jim Crouch, and Bennie Cryer.

10:00 AM
Question: The Role of Women in Teaching. May women arrange and organize “brotherhood-wide” studies? In situations where women may teach, may she teach anyone? In what situations are women prohibited from teaching? What is the scope of her authority in arranging studies or teaching situations? Panelists: Alan Bonifay, James Orten, Brandon Stephens, and Reggie Kinser.

11:00 AM
Question: What Constitutes a False Teacher? Does one automatically become a false teacher merely because he is mistaken on a point of doctrine and discusses it with others? Are a false teacher and a heretic the same? Can one be right on a point of doctrine and still be a heretic (divisive person)? Does the attitude with which one approaches a subject have anything to do with whether or not he is a false teacher? Panelists: Raymond Fox, Allen Bailey, Steve Smith, and Jerry Cutter.

Study ends following the question and answer session.

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