Oyster Bay Church of Christ
Crawfordville, Florida
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RV & Camper Hookups

Host Preachers:  Glenn Ballard and Aaron Risener

We will have two guest speakers along with one of our host preachers speaking at every service.  Preachers planning to attend and speak at this time include Bobby Pepper, Ed Daniel, Wallace Kornegay, Johnny Kornegay, Miles King, Anthony Brockett, Mark Deatherage, Gene Grant, and Dwight Patton.

If you are a preacher or congregational teacher please come prepared to speak.  We will use as many as possible.  Please contact us so that we can schedule you.

 Thursday       December 27       6:00pm
 Friday  December 28  6:00pm
 Saturday  December 29  10:00am  
 Sunday  December 30  10:00am
 Monday  December 31  6:00pm

For more information:

Michael Atkinson....... 850-926-4692     Nexnbax1@prodigy.net
Dennis Fiorini............ 850-906-9650     DFiorini@aol.com
Robert Kornegay....... 850-531-0777     RKornegay1@CS.com

For Schedule of Additional Activities Click Here


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