God’s Redeeming Love
(Hosea 8:1-10:15)INTRODUCTION
1. Thus far in our survey of the book of Hosea, we have seen…
a. The analogy of Hosea and Gomer, illustrating God’s experience
with Israel
1) Israel’s rejection symbolized, in the names of Hosea and
Gomer’s children – Hos 1:2-9
2) Israel’s restoration foretold – Hos 1:10-2:1
3) Israel’s unfaithfulness described, depicted as a wife guilty
of harlotry – Hos 2:2-13
4) Israel’s restoration described, finally cured of her idolatry
– Hos 2:14-23
5) Israel’s restoration symbolized, depicted as a harlot taken
back to be a wife – Hos 3:1-5
b. God’s indictment of Israel
1) The charges brought against Israel – Hos 4:1-5:15
2) Israel’s appeal rejected – Hos 6:1-7:16
— The theme proposed for this book has been "God’s Redeeming Love"2. The love God has for Israel does not preclude the need for
punishment if she is to be truly redeemed…
a. As mentioned in Hos 2:13
b. This punishment will be seen in the form of the Assyrian
invasion, as foretold in the section now before us[In this lesson, we shall continue our survey of Hosea by noticing
God’s warning of punishment that is to befall Israel, chapters 8-10…]I. GOD’S PUNISHMENT FOR ISRAEL (Hosea 8:1-10:15)
1. Judgment is coming because they transgressed the covenant
– Hos 8:1-6
2. They have sown the wind, through their alliances with Assyria,
and shall reap the whirlwind – Hos 8:7-10
3. The altars of their religion has made them sin, their
punishment will be a "return to Egypt" (Egypt as a symbol of
captivity) – Hos 8:11-13
4. Israel has forgotten his Maker, and even Judah places more
trust in fortified cities; but judgment will come upon them
both – Hos 8:14B. ASSYRIAN CAPTIVITY FORETOLD (Hosea 9:1-17)
1. Because Israel has played the harlot – Hos 9:1-2
2. Ephraim (Israel) shall "return to Egypt" – Hos 9:3-9
a. Egypt used as a type for captivity, but then Assyria is
mentioned by name
b. They will be unable to celebrate the feasts
c. They will be punished for their sins
3. The fleeting glory of Israel – Hos 9:10-17
a. Though considered the firstfruits, they soon gave
themselves over to idolatry
b. Thus their glory will fly away, and they will be like one
c. For their wickedness, God will cast them awayC. ISRAEL’S SIN AND CAPTIVITY REITERATED (Hosea 10:1-15)
1. Her guilt and coming captivity – Hos 10:1-8
2. Her sin and coming punishment – Hos 10:9-15[With such ample warnings through prophets like Hosea, God let Israel
know what was to befall her. Yet the prophet’s message did not end
there. A message of hope concerning restoration was also proclaimed,
which we will shall consider in our next lesson. For a few remaining
moments, let’s review…]II. SOME KEY PASSAGES IN THIS SECTION
1. Notice Hos 8:12
2. This is a sad commentary on the condition of Israel
a. God had done a wondrous thing by giving them His Word –
cf. Ps 19:7-11
b. Yet they had become so perverted that God’s word seemed
strange to them!
3. Is this not true today as well?
a. We have been richly blessed with the full revelation of
God’s will through His Son Jesus Christ
b. Yet many people (even some in the church)…
1) …are so unaware of what the Bible says
2) …are so caught up in the thinking of the world
…that the principles and truths of God’s word are
"considered a strange thing"!
— Is God’s word considered a strange thing to you?B. "SOW FOR YOURSELVES RIGHTEOUSNESS, REAP IN MERCY"
1. Consider Hos 10:12
2. While we cannot earn our salvation by good works, works of
righteousness can result in experiencing God’s grace and mercy
a. A case in point is the conversion of Cornelius – Ac 10:1-6
b. His fear of God, prayers, and alms did not save him, but
God did take notice
c. By striving to serve and please God, he came to know the
way of mercy and salvation
— Thus we should be diligent in our service, not to earn
salvation, but to receive God’s gracious mercy – e.g.,
1. Read Hos 10:13
2. Iniquity (injustice, NASB) is the natural consequence of
a. When people turn their ears away from hearing the Word of
God, they will be wicked
b. And the consequence is great injustice and lawlessness
— Sadly, I believe we can see why our society is reaping so much
injustice and lawlessness today (because of the wickedness
that is sown)CONCLUSION
1. The messages of Hosea, though first spoken to a people of an earlier
time, speak to us also…
a. History tends to repeat itself; we need to learn from the
mistakes of others
b. The people of God are not immune from apostasy, wickedness and
rebellion2. As Paul wrote to the church of Corinth, after reviewing parts of
Israel’s history…"Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should
not lust after evil things as they also lusted." (1 Co 10:6)3. God’s "intent" in preserving the Old Testament was that we might
benefit from Israel’s mistakes
a. The works of prophets like Hosea can certainly help
b. Will his words be well known to us, or will they too be
"considered a strange thing"?I pray this study will help his words become more familiar to us…
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