"THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS" Chapter Sixteen OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS CHAPTER 1) To understand the basis and purpose underlying the collection taken on the first day of the week 2) To note the love accompanying the writing of this epistle that is filled with so much correction of error SUMMARY In this final chapter, Paul discusses one last subject before making his concluding remarks. It concerns the collection for the saints, for which Paul gives instructions as to the manner in which the funds are to be gathered and then sent to Jerusalem (1-4). He then writes briefly of his plans to see them and makes a few comments concerning Timothy and Apollos (5-12). His final exhortations, greetings and solemn warning are marked with a tone of love: the need to love one another, a warning to love the Lord, and a declaration of his love for them (13-24). OUTLINE I. THE COLLECTION FOR THE SAINTS (1-4) A. INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING TAKING UP THE COLLECTION (1-2) 1. The same as those given the churches of Galatia (1) 2. To be gathered each first day of the week; they should give as they have been prospered, to avoid last minute collections (2) B. INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING SENDING THE COLLECTION (3-4) 1. To be sent along with approved representatives of the church of Corinth (3) 2. If deemed appropriate, Paul will join them in going to Jerusalem (4) II. PERSONAL PLANS AND RELATED COMMENTS (5-12) A. PAUL'S PLANS (5-9) 1. To see them after passing through Macedonia (5-7) 2. To remain in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a door of opportunity has been opened for him (8-9) B. CONCERNING TIMOTHY (10-11) 1. Allow him to come without fear (10) 2. Do not despise him, but send him to Paul in peace (11) C. CONCERNING APOLLOS (12) 1. Though urged by Paul, he chose not to go to Corinth at the present time (12a) 2. But he will at a more convenient time (12b) III. CONCLUDING EXHORTATIONS, GREETINGS, AND A SOLEMN FAREWELL (13-24) A. FINAL EXHORTATIONS (13-18) 1. Exhortation to steadfastness and love (13-14) 2. Exhortation to submit to the household of Stephanus and others like them, who refresh the spirits of those who know them (15-18) B. GREETINGS (19-21) 1. From the churches of Asia, Aquila and Priscilla, and others (19-20a) 2. Greet one another with a holy kiss (20b) 3. Paul's own personal salutation in his own handwriting (21) C. A SOLEMN FAREWELL (22-24) 1. A grave warning about not loving the Lord Jesus , with a plea for His coming (22) 2. A prayer for grace and an expression of love for those in Christ Jesus (23-24)
REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE CHAPTER Move your mouse pointer underneath each question to see the answer.
1) List the main points of this chapter. 2) What was the purpose of the collection? (1) 3) When was the collection to be taken? (2) 4) What was the purpose of doing it this way? (2) 5) What principle concerning giving is taught in verse two? (2) 6) When did Paul plan to go to Corinth? (5-8) 7) Who would likely see them in the meantime? (10-11) 8) What noble comments are made concerning Stephanus, Fortunatus, and Achaicus (15-18) 9) What husband and wife team joined Paul in greeting the church at Corinth? (19) 10) What grave warning does Paul give in this chapter? (22) 11) What earnest wish does Paul express in this chapter? (22) 12) How does Paul close this epistle that is filled with so much rebuke for the error that existed in the church at Corinth? (24)