"THE FIRST EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS"Our Duty To Those Who Serve (1 Th 5:12-13)
1. As "sons of light and sons of the day" (1 Th 5:5), we have a duty to
comfort and edify one another – cf. 1 Th 5:112. This duty is true of all us who are members of the body of Christ
– e.g., Eph 4:15-16
a. Each member has a part in which he or she does their share
b. When all are working, the body grows through the edifying of
itself in love3. Yet the Lord has also blessed His body with those who edify the body
through their service in certain capacities – cf. Ep Eph 4:11-12
a. Such as evangelists, pastors, teachers
b. Whose purpose is for the equipping of the saints for the work of
ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ[In the text for our study (1 Th 5:12-13), we are told of "Our Duty
Toward Those Who Serve" us by their function in the church of Christ.
Observe that we are commanded…]I. TO RECOGNIZE THEM
1. This would include those who serve as:
a. Elders (also known as pastors, bishops), whose duty is to
watch and feed the local congregation – Acts 14:23;
Acts 20:17; Acts 20:28; 1 Pe 5:1-2; 1 Tim 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9
b. Deacons, who minister to the needs of the congregation –
Phil 1:1; 1 Tim 3:8-13
c. Evangelists, whose ministry is to the Word of God,
proclaiming the good news to both sinner and saint –
Eph 4:11; 2 Tim 4:5; 2 Tim 4:2; 1 Tim 4:16
d. Teachers, who provide instruction in the doctrine of Christ
– Eph 4:11; Acts 13:1-2; 1 Cor 12:28-29; Titus 2:3-5
1) Such as those who teach our children
2) And those who teach the lost in our families and
2. There are others who labor among us in other areas…
a. Those who minister through exhortation, giving, showing
mercy (such as in visiting the sick) – Rom 21:6-8
b. Those who use their talents to do good deeds, as did Dorcas
– Acts 9:36-39
c. Those who keep up the facilities in which we meet to worship
1) Cleaning the building, preparing the communion
2) Pruning the yard, maintain the baptistery and other
aspects of the building
— In every active congregation, there is much labor going on; do
we recognize those who often labor quietly for our benefit?B. THOSE WHO ARE OVER YOU…
1. "In the Lord"
a. This has particular reference to the elders (pastors,
b. They are the only ones given authority "over" us in the Lord
– Ac 20:28; 1 Pet 5:1-2; cf. Heb 13:7; Heb 13:17
2. "And admonish you"
a. The duty of elders often require them to admonish and warn
– Titus 1:9
b. That is why they must be qualified to teach – 1 Tim 3:2
— Any congregation with men qualified to serve as elders should
certainly be careful to recognize them as such, and respect
their God-given duty[While the context may have special application to our duty toward those
who serve as elders, I believe we are not amiss to apply it toward
those who serve in other capacities as well. Certainly it is
appropriate regarding those who serve us in any role…]II. TO ESTEEM THEM
1. To hold them in high regard, to honor them
a. We are to prefer all brethren in honor – cf. Rom 12:10; Phil 2:3
b. How much more those who expend their time and energy in
serving us!
2. To do so in love
a. We are to love all brethren – cf. 1 Pet 2:17; Jn 13:34-35
b. How much more those who expend their time and energy in
serving us!B. FOR THEIR WORK’S SAKE…
1. Certainly the work of elders is worthy of high esteem
a. They feed us, they watch over us, they provide examples for
us – 1 Pet 5:1-3
b. They must give an account for our souls – Heb 13:17
2. So also the work of all who serve their brethren
a. The work of deacons is worthy of high honor – 1 Tim 3:13
b. Indeed, those who are serve are to be considered great in
the kingdom of God! – cf. Mt 20:25-28[We have a duty to esteem those who serve, to hold them in high regard.
Not just because of who they are, but what they do! Do we both
recognize and esteem our brethren for their work?Finally, note that in "Our Duty To Those Who Serve" we are…]
1. Peace among brethren, like unity, is a wonderful thing – Psa 133:1
2. It is a mark of heavenly wisdom, and provides the atmosphere in
which much righteousness can be sown – James 3:17-18
3. It is certainly something we all should pursue – Rom 14:17-19;
1. Those who serve (especially elders) have a heavy burden –
e.g., Heb 13:7
a. They watch for our souls
b. They must give an account for our souls
2. We can make their load lighter – cf. Heb 13:17
a. Make their work a joy, contributing to peace through
obedience and submission
b. Avoid adding unnecessary grief, which would not be good for
us (what an understatement!)CONCLUSION
1. As we wait for the coming for the Lord, we are blessed not to wait
a. The Lord’s church is here to comfort and edify us
b. There are individuals who labor among us, and are over us in the
1) Some meet our needs, making it easier for us to grow
2) Others watch over us, and admonish us as necessary
— For such blessings we ought to be thankful!2. But we can do more than just be thankful…
a. We can recognize those who labor among us, and are over us
b. We can esteem them highly in love for their work’s sake
c. We can be at peace among ourselvesIndeed, this is "Our Duty To Those Who Serve". May God grant us the
strength to give what is due those who give so much of their time,
energy and love to us!
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