"THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW"Watch Out For Wolves! (Mt 7:15-20)
1. Many people like to think that you can trust religious leaders…
a. Ministers normally rank high in polls concerning people you can
b. People will often accept whatever a preacher, priest, or rabbi
says as the truth2. Yet Jesus told His disciples to beware of false prophets – Mt 7:15-20
a. They may appear like sheep, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves
b. We need to be able to identify them, knowing what to look for3. Are you concerned about false prophets today? You should be!
a. The great diversity of teaching suggests that many are being
b. We need to be reminded of the danger, and know how to spot any
"wolves" that might come our way![With the words of our Savior in Mt 7:15-20 fresh on our mind, I wish
to use this opportunity to remind us to "Watch Out For Wolves!" Let me
first re-emphasize the point that…]I. THERE WILL BE FALSE PROPHETS
1. To the Ephesian elders – Ac 20:28-31
a. Telling them to take heed
b. For even from among themselves would men arise, misleading
2. To the church at Corinth – 2 Co 11:13-15
a. Referring to false teachers present even then
b. Appearing as ministers of righteousness, even as Satan
appears as an angel of light
3. To the young preacher Timothy – 1 Ti 4:1-3; 2 Ti 3:1-9
a. Warning of the apostasy that would come
b. Describing the character and tactics of those who would
1. Peter, in telling of the rise of false teachers – 2 Pe 2:1-3
2. John, in calling for people to "test the spirits" – 1 Jn 4:1
3. Jude, in writing of some who had already come – Jude 3-4[With so many warnings, this is not a subject to take lightly! But how
can we spot such "wolves" when they appear so disarming (like sheep)?
Thanks to Jesus and the Word of God…]II. WE CAN IDENTIFY FALSE PROPHETS
1. We can know them by their "fruit" – Mt 7:16-20
a. What is truly in their heart will eventually come out
b. For from the heart proceeds any sin that may be there
– cf. Mk 7:21-23
2. Thus false teachers and false prophets are often betrayed…
a. By their greediness (e.g., as manifested by their lavish
b. By their immorality (e.g., as manifested by adulterous
c. By their lust for power (e.g., as manifested by religious
— Given time, the true character of many false prophets will be
exposed by the fruit of their life!B. BY EXAMINING THE FRUIT OF THEIR TEACHING…
1. Taking notice of their methods
a. Working secretly – cf. 2 Pe 2:1
1) Their ministries (especially finances) will be shrouded
in secrecy
2) Rather than being open to one and all – cf. 2 Co 8:20-21
b. Appealing to covetousness – cf. 2 Pe 2:3
1) They draw people with an appeal to what people often
covet (such as health and wealth)
2) Rather than preparing people for what Christians can
expect – cf. Ac 14:23; 2 Ti 3:12
c. Using deceptive words – cf. 2 Ti 3:13; 2 Pe 2:3
1) Twisting the scriptures to support their message (just
as Satan did in trying to tempt Jesus)
2) Rather handling the word of God rightly – 2 Ti 2:14-16
2. Taking notice of their doctrine
a. How they twist and pervert the scriptures – cf. Ga 1:8-9
1) Their gospel may start out right, but becomes twisted
along the way
2) Their teaching often expressed in the terms of man, not
b. How they teach that which is clearly contrary to the
scriptures – cf. Deu 13:1-4
1) Even if they appear able to perform signs and wonders!
2) The final test is how their teaching compares to the word of God
and that of His apostles – cf. 1 Jn 4:1; 1 Jn 4:6CONCLUSION
1. It is not necessary to judge the hearts of those who claim to speak
for God…
a. We need only to be "fruit-inspectors"
b. The fruit of their life and teaching will become apparent soon
— This is how we can "Watch Out For Wolves!"2. Of course, this presumes that our knowledge of God’s word is
a. To know what to look for in the life of a false prophet
b. To know what to listen for in the teaching of a false prophet
— Otherwise we will be no different than Israel, of whom God said:
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…" – Hos 4:6Are you equipped to identify a wolf in sheep’s clothing if you saw one?
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