"THE GOSPEL OF JOHN"Receiving The Light (1:9-13)
1. In the prologue to his gospel, John introduced Jesus as "the
a. That shines in darkness – Jn 1:5
b. To whom John bore witness – Jn 1:6-8
c. Who gives light to every man – Jn 1:92. Yet John declares what becomes evident later in his gospel…
a. Not everyone was willing to receive the light, i.e., Jesus
b. Even His own people as a whole rejected Him
c. But for those who did receive Him, they were truly blessed!3. The same remains true today…
a. Many people do not receive Jesus
b. Missing out on the wonderful blessings He offers![Why do people not receive Christ? How can we be sure to receive Him,
and the blessings He offers as "The Light"? Let’s take a closer look at
the text for our study…]I. MANY DID NOT RECEIVE THE LIGHT
1. The world in general – Jn 1:9-10
a. Even though He gives light to every man!
cf. Jn 1:4; Jn 8-12; Jn 12:46
b. Even though the world was made through Him! – cf. Jn 1:3
2. His own people in particular – Jn 1:11
a. He had come into His own land, Palestine – cf. Jer 2:7
b. He had come to His own people, Israel – cf. Deu 7:6B. WHY THEY DID NOT RECEIVE THE LIGHT…
1. They did not know Him – Jn 1:10
a. Even His own brothers at first, though they did after His
resurrection – Jn 7:5; Acts 1:14
b. Familiarity often breeds contempt: "A prophet has no honor
in his own country…" – Jn 4:44
2. Other reasons provided by John in his gospel
a. Some loved darkness more than light – Jn 3:19-20; Jn 5:42-43
b. Some were afraid of what others thought – Jn 7:13; Jn 9:22
c. Some were misinformed of the facts – Jn 7:40-43
d. Some were hardened by their traditions – Jn 9:13-16
e. Some loved the praise of men – Jn 12:42-43[For similar reasons today, many people do not receive Jesus.
1. The right to become children of God – Jn 1:12
a. The word "right" signifies both authority and ability (JFB)
b. Receiving Christ gives us the authority and ability to
become sons of God
c. Which is wonderful manifestation of God’s love – cf. 1 Jn 3:1
d. Making us heirs of God and joints heirs with Christ –
cf. Rom 8:14-17
2. The privilege of being born of God – Jn 1:13
a. Not of blood – i.e., by virtue of physical descent
b. Not of flesh – i.e., by virtue of the lusts of the flesh
c. Not of the will of man – i.e., by virtue of power in a man’s
will alone
d. But of God – i.e., a rebirth possible only by the Spirit of
God – cf. Jn 3:5; Titus 3:5B. THE MEANS FOR RECEIVING THE LIGHT…
1. To receive Christ, we must believe in His name – Jn 1:12b
a. Which is to say we must believe in Him
b. The name of a person is often put for the person himself
(Barnes) – cf. Jn 2:23
2. Believing in Him gives us power "to become" a child of God
a. Faith in Jesus alone does not "make" one a child of God
b. Many believed in Jesus, but did not become His disciples
1) Only by abiding in His doctrine did they become His
disciples – Jn 8:30-32
2) Some believed, but were unwilling to confess Him –
Jn 12:42-43
3. When faith moves us to obey Christ, then we become children of
a. Faith makes us children of God when we put Christ on in
baptism – Gal 3:26-27
1) We become children of God through faith, yes – but how?
2) By putting Christ on when we are baptized into Christ!
b. Jesus becomes the author of our salvation when we obey Him
– Heb 5:9
1) Such as obeying His command to be baptized – Mk 16:16
2) Thereby born again of both water and the Spirit –
Jn 3:5; Titus 3:5
4. Sadly, many misapply John’s words in Jn 1:12
a. Teaching that one becomes a child of God simply by receiving
Christ in faith
1) By saying "the sinner’s prayer" (which is not found
in the Scriptures)
2) Often appealing to Rev 3:20-21 (which is addressed to
erring Christians, not lost sinners)
b. Yet receiving Christ in faith gives one "power to become",
not "makes one become"
1) We must appropriate that power through the obedience of
2) Such as confessing our faith, repenting of our sins –
Rom 10:9-10; Acts 17:31
3) Culminating our obedience by putting on (receiving)
Christ in baptism – Gal 3:27CONCLUSION
1. Jesus is the "True Light" who gives light to every man…
a. Bringing grace and truth to those in sin and error
a. Providing the way of salvation through His blood2. How sad that there are many in the world…
a. Who do not know Him
b. Who have not received Him
— Who spend their lives stumbling in the darkness3. But if you are willing to believe in His name…
a. You have the right to become a child of God!
b. You can be born of God!
— Provided your faith is an obedient faith, willing to abide in the
doctrine of ChristLet the Word of God, and in particular John’s gospel (cf. Jn 20:30-31),
point you in the direction of the Light, that you might be saved and
have life in His name!
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